Nude life drawing

Join us at Bad Boys Live for an experience where art meets fun. Our nude life drawing events mix the beauty of the human body with a relaxed, sophisticated atmosphere. Whether you’re here to paint with a drink in hand or to try body painting, we have something special for everyone, turning your event into some colourful fun!

The sexiest guys you’ve ever seen strip
Topless waiters that will make your heart melt
The hottest life drawing models
The sexiest guys you’ve ever seen strip
Topless waiters that will make your heart melt
The hottest life drawing models

Discover your artistic side with Bad Boys Live

Fancy a fun night with the girls, but not wanting an all out male stripper show? Allow Bad Boys Live to ignite your artistic journey. Here, every brushstroke and sketch brings the human figure to life in a respectful and creative setting. Our nude life drawing is perfect for art lovers and groups of friends seeking a different, memorable evening.

Nude paint and sip: art meets relaxation

Enjoy the laid-back vibe of our nude paint and sip events. Relax with friends, a drink in hand, painting a live model. This casual setting is perfect for letting your artistic side out while having a great time.

Get hands-on with nude male body painting

Dive into art in its most interactive form with our nude male body painting. Turn our models into living artworks in a session that’s as fun as it is meaningful, offering a new perspective on artistic beauty.

Traditional nude life drawing

Our traditional nude life drawing is ideal for those wanting to sharpen their art skills and appreciate the human form. Led by professional models, these sessions offer a peaceful space to study and sketch, focusing on the beauty of light, shape, and form.

Why choose Bad Boys Live for your art event

Picking Bad Boys Live means you’re choosing a unique mix of professionalism and discovery. We ensure every drawing session is enjoyable and memorable, celebrating the world of art in every aspect.

A custom nude life drawing experience

Your nude life drawing event can be exactly what you want with Bad Boys Live. Pick your model, set the theme, and create an experience that perfectly matches your vision — an ideal combination of art, learning, and fun.

Planning your nude life drawing session

We’re here to help you plan the perfect art event. From picking the right place to setting up the session, we offer advice to ensure everyone feels comfortable and the atmosphere is just right for creativity and enjoyment.

Book your artistic journey with Bad Boys Live

Ready to dive into the world of nude life drawing with Bad Boys Live? Get in touch to reserve your spot. Whether it’s for a special occasion, a learning experience, or just for fun, we promise a day filled with art, laughter, and lasting memories.

After the ultimate night out with the girls?

Book today to secure your spot with Australia’s most reputable male entertainment, who look forwarding to creating you memories that will last forever more!

We are only a click away, view our bad boys in your city below.